Low Self-Esteem Makes Life Difficult Low self-esteem opens the mental and emotional door for anxiety, depression, a lack of joy, social issues and so on, to become a part of one’s life. To put it in the most simple terms: low self-esteem makes life difficult. So how do we improve… Read more »
Brain Nutrition: How Food Influences Your Mood.
BRAIN NUTRITION Did you know our brains need calories? The brain indeed uses about one-fifth of our body’s total calories. While our brains are brilliant machinery, their needs are relatively simplistic. We all know that old saying, “You are what you eat,” but when it comes to our brain… Read more »
Brain Training Tip: the four basic needs of the brain
Your brain has certain requirements that are simply not negotiable, without them, it cannot function well. There are basic, but very key things that your brain must have, and as basic as they are, they are often what is missing when people are struggling with stress, overthinking, anxiety and insomnia.… Read more »
Brain Training Tip: How To Increase Your Neuroplasticity
Neuroplasticity is the built-in ability of your brain to change. It is, by definition: ‘the ability of the brain to restructure its neural connections and form new ones at any given time.’ In more straightforward terms, it is: The natural ability of the brain to change in response to new… Read more »
Brain Training Tip: How To Boost Your Serotonin and Why You Would Want To
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter produced by your nerve cells. Serotonin function is complex, but it is most commonly associated, accurately, with feelings of happiness and wellbeing. Serotonin is also a regulator for cognition, memory, and learning. If your serotonin levels are lower than they need to be, you are likely… Read more »
Brain Training Tip: How To Increase Your Neurotransmitters For Focus, Desire and Motivation
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for enabling our focus, desire and motivation. It is what makes us want rewards, enjoy those rewards and then to seek more rewards. Dopamine is one of our key drivers but it does more than motivate us. It is also one of our key regulators… Read more »
Brain Training Tip: How To Use Your Breath To Calm Your Stressed Mind
Its hard to have a calm mind when faced with stress and stress manifests itself differently in every person. Some of us when under stress become irritable, restless, and unable to sleep, while others may withdraw socially, feel fatigued, lethargic and sleep for long periods of time yet never… Read more »
Brain Training Tip: How to STOP a stressed, overwhelmed and busy brain
An overactive mind is stressful, irritating and exhausting. Did you know that your mind becomes chatty and noisy due to a heightened response to stress and anxiety? A busy mind is not so much the way you are, but rather, it is the result of an overstimulated central nervous system.
Improve your Golf Game with Neurofeedback Brain Training
Improve your golf game with Neurofeedback. Neurofeedback and golf, the science and the sport, are a match made in heaven. Focus, precision, concentration, emotional balance and physical control are critical components in golf. The game is played as much in the mind as on the green; therefore, having a brain… Read more »
Three Ways Neurofeedback Brain Training Can Help A Struggling Brain
Your brain is the engine that drives your life. It controls how you think, what you think, when you think it, as well as influence how you feel and behave. If your brain isn’t functioning well, then you as a person, are not operating at your best…